I. THE NAME of this group shall be called the Eisenhower Women's Golf Association, to be known as the EWGA. This group will be the official sponsors of the weekly ladies day tournament for eighteen-hole women golfers and of other golf events for these players at The Preserve at Eisenhower Golf Course.
II. THE OBJECT of this Association shall be to promote the golfing interests of the eighteen-hole women golfers of Maryland. The Preserve at Eisenhower Course shall be the home of EWGA.
III. MEETINGS: There shall be at least two general meetings during each calendar year. The first such meeting shall be held prior to April 1 and will be the official opening of the golf season for EWGA. The second such meeting shall be held in November and will mark the official end of the EWGA golf season. These meetings will provide the forum for public announcements, planning, accomplishments, financial status, and election of Executive Committee in November and for the transaction of any other business brought before the Board.
IV. MEMBERSHIP AND DUES: Membership in the EWGA is primarily for, but not limited to, women residents of Maryland who hold a current USGA eighteen-hole index/handicap. Voting and full participation in EWGA events shall be restricted to members whose dues, as established annually by the Executive Committee, are paid in full and whose indexes/handicaps are established according to EWGA Bylaws and the USGA Handicap System. The Executive Committee may suspend or expel a member for not abiding by the EWGA Constitution and/or Bylaws.
A. An Executive Committee elected by the EWGA Members administers the EWGA. The officers of this group shall be the EWGA President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Rules Chair, Tournament Chair, Social/Sunshine Chair, and a Special Event Chair.
B. EWGA President and all other officers shall take office immediately following election at the last general meeting in November.
VI. BYLAWS: The EWGA shall adopt Bylaws consistent with this Constitution, embodying provisions for governance of the EWGA. Such Bylaws may be amended from time to time as therein provided. Any regular member may propose changes in these Bylaws. Members should submit these changes to the Executive Committee. If approved by the Executive Committee, the proposed changes will be presented to the membership for approval.
VII. AMENDMENTS: This Constitution may be amended by any regular meeting of this group with twenty five percent of voting members being a quorum, by a two-thirds vote of this quorum. Notice of any proposed amendments will be presented to the members prior to the vote.
II. THE OBJECT of this Association shall be to promote the golfing interests of the eighteen-hole women golfers of Maryland. The Preserve at Eisenhower Course shall be the home of EWGA.
III. MEETINGS: There shall be at least two general meetings during each calendar year. The first such meeting shall be held prior to April 1 and will be the official opening of the golf season for EWGA. The second such meeting shall be held in November and will mark the official end of the EWGA golf season. These meetings will provide the forum for public announcements, planning, accomplishments, financial status, and election of Executive Committee in November and for the transaction of any other business brought before the Board.
IV. MEMBERSHIP AND DUES: Membership in the EWGA is primarily for, but not limited to, women residents of Maryland who hold a current USGA eighteen-hole index/handicap. Voting and full participation in EWGA events shall be restricted to members whose dues, as established annually by the Executive Committee, are paid in full and whose indexes/handicaps are established according to EWGA Bylaws and the USGA Handicap System. The Executive Committee may suspend or expel a member for not abiding by the EWGA Constitution and/or Bylaws.
A. An Executive Committee elected by the EWGA Members administers the EWGA. The officers of this group shall be the EWGA President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Rules Chair, Tournament Chair, Social/Sunshine Chair, and a Special Event Chair.
B. EWGA President and all other officers shall take office immediately following election at the last general meeting in November.
VI. BYLAWS: The EWGA shall adopt Bylaws consistent with this Constitution, embodying provisions for governance of the EWGA. Such Bylaws may be amended from time to time as therein provided. Any regular member may propose changes in these Bylaws. Members should submit these changes to the Executive Committee. If approved by the Executive Committee, the proposed changes will be presented to the membership for approval.
VII. AMENDMENTS: This Constitution may be amended by any regular meeting of this group with twenty five percent of voting members being a quorum, by a two-thirds vote of this quorum. Notice of any proposed amendments will be presented to the members prior to the vote.
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